Dogs 'n Thoughts

Inevitably much of what I write will revolve around dogs, but I'd like to branch out a bit and a blog seems the appropriate venue. I like to share thoughts on life in general. If you are looking for quirky, this isn't it. But I can be a bit odd. I hope that satisfies.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Yes, it has been over a month since my last visit here. I've thought of a lot of stuff I wanted to share. However, I have been thoroughly schooled into being careful about what is written down, especially publicly. I thought a lot about following up on my first blog, then realized that I had put links to my blog on my web site. And I naturally point people to my website, including my employer. So, I thought, what if my employer reads it. What will they see in it?

So now I'm struggling with what to write.